
15.07.2011 14:03
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: mauro
Posts: 16

Hello, before of all thank you for awesome work. I'm using joomshopping and works very good. I'd like to know how to make a thing in my system and i'm sure community can help me:

My system is like a gift system where people from abroad can buy services in Belarus or make presents. For example people can top-up telephones.
Initially i thinked to give price to article of 0,142 euro (1euro=7000rubles today), write instead of number of pcs sum people wants top-up telephone (10 pcs became 70000 ruble = 10euro). Hiding article price this can works good and, when ready, system will have more of 100 article but the belarussian market exchange is not stable and change everyday ... in this case every day i have to change all article prices. Somebody has and idea how to make my system more symple? maybe somebody can explain me how to use currency in this case. The only important thing: i need to use free prices (people have to write sum, i cannot impose it)

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