link directing to an exact product in the shop

25.02.2013 12:34
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: nourel
Posts: 1
link directing to an exact product in the shop

i have sevrel articles in my website and i want to put a link in some of them that link the article with a certain product in my shop. So far i'v putting the link manually in the artice by copying the product url.
You can imagine it's not the best approche if their are lots of article so i have to go change them one by one. Now i don't know if this feature exists or no (i havn't found it anyway) but is their a way i can do this automaticaly with a drop down list for exemple choosing what article to link it like the read moore link but instead of it being on the product and sending to the article i want it to be on the article and sending to the product. If it doesn't exist maybe consider it for next versions :).

25.02.2013 13:21
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Aw: link directing to an exact product in the shop


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