Resend the updated Purchase order as an invoice

30.09.2014 15:19
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Stanley
Posts: 17
Resend the updated Purchase order as an invoice

How do I access the full order details in: administrator\components\com_jshopping\views\orders\tmpl\statusorder.php
When the order has been adjusted I want to send it like the origonal one received by the customer from :components\com_jshopping\templates\default\checkout\orderemail.php
From the backend I want to adjust the order depending on stock availability and then resend the adjusted order to the customer.

01.10.2014 16:00
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Stanley
Posts: 17
Add: Resend the updated Purchase order as an invoice

components\com_jshopping\templates\default\checkout\orderemail.php is a template. What function, in which php file retrieves the data from the database send provides it to this template file?

01.10.2014 16:10
(Support Team)
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Name: Admin
Posts: 25905
Aw: Resend the updated Purchase order as an invoice


function changeStatusOrder


function _updateStatus

01.10.2014 17:09
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Stanley
Posts: 17
Aw: Resend the updated Purchase order as an invoice

webdesigner - 01.10.2014 16:10

function changeStatusOrder


function _updateStatus

Thanks. Can I call function sendOrderEmail($order_id, $manuallysend = 0) from with in function _updateStatus if I supply the $order_id? Or do I have to duplicate it into administrator\components\com_jshopping\controllers\orders.php?

01.10.2014 20:48
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25905
Aw: Resend the updated Purchase order as an invoice

fixed in joomshopping 3.19.0

01.10.2014 21:49
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Stanley
Posts: 17
Aw: Resend the updated Purchase order as an invoice

webdesigner - 01.10.2014 20:48
fixed in joomshopping 3.19.0

I'm not trying to be difficult but I don't know what you mean by this.
I'm using 4.4.2

02.10.2014 07:49
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25905
Aw: Resend the updated Purchase order as an invoice

will be in 4.7.0

05.10.2014 12:21
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Stanley
Posts: 17
Aw: Resend the updated Purchase order as an invoice

Here's what I've done. Not always elegant, but it seems to work.
Files affected:
components/com_jshopping/templates/default/checkout/invoiceemail.php - copied and modified from orderemail.php
I copied and modified function sendOorderEmail() from checkout.php I put it outside the class JshoppingColtrolOrders in order.php
function AsendOrderEmail($order_id, $manuallysend = 0){
$mainframe = JFactory::getApplication();
$lang = JSFactory::getLang();
$jshopConfig = JSFactory::getConfig();
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$order = JTable::getInstance('order', 'jshop');
$jshopConfig->user_field_title[0] = '';
$jshopConfig->user_field_client_type[0] = '';
$file_generete_pdf_order = $jshopConfig->file_generete_pdf_order;
$tmp_fields = $jshopConfig->getListFieldsRegister();
$config_fields = $tmp_fields["address"];
$count_filed_delivery = $jshopConfig->getEnableDeliveryFiledRegistration('address');
$status = JTable::getInstance('orderStatus', 'jshop');
$name = $lang->get("name");
$order->status = $status->$name;
$order->order_date = strftime($jshopConfig->store_date_format, strtotime($order->order_date));
$order->products = $order->getAllItems();
$order->weight = $order->getWeightItems();
if ($jshopConfig->show_delivery_time_checkout){
$deliverytimes = JSFactory::getAllDeliveryTime();
if (isset($deliverytimes[$order->delivery_times_id])){
$order->order_delivery_time = $deliverytimes[$order->delivery_times_id];
$order->order_delivery_time = '';
if ($order->order_delivery_time==""){
$order->order_delivery_time = $order->delivery_time;
$order->order_tax_list = $order->getTaxExt();
$show_percent_tax = 0;
if (count($order->order_tax_list)>1 || $jshopConfig->show_tax_in_product) {$show_percent_tax = 1;}
if ($jshopConfig->hide_tax) {$show_percent_tax = 0;}
$hide_subtotal = 0;
if (($jshopConfig->hide_tax || count($order->order_tax_list)==0) && $order->order_discount==0 && $jshopConfig->without_shipping && $order->order_payment==0){$hide_subtotal = 1;}
$country = JTable::getInstance('country', 'jshop');
$field_country_name = $lang->get("name");
$order->country = $country->$field_country_name;
$d_country = JTable::getInstance('country', 'jshop');
$field_country_name = $lang->get("name");
$order->d_country = $d_country->$field_country_name;
if ($jshopConfig->show_delivery_date && !datenull($order->delivery_date)){
$order->delivery_date_f = formatdate($order->delivery_date);
$order->delivery_date_f = '';
$order->title = $jshopConfig->user_field_title[$order->title];
$order->d_title = $jshopConfig->user_field_title[$order->d_title];
$order->birthday = getDisplayDate($order->birthday, $jshopConfig->field_birthday_format);
$order->d_birthday = getDisplayDate($order->d_birthday, $jshopConfig->field_birthday_format);
$order->client_type_name = $jshopConfig->user_field_client_type[$order->client_type];
$shippingMethod = JTable::getInstance('shippingMethod', 'jshop');
$pm_method = JTable::getInstance('paymentMethod', 'jshop');
$paymentsysdata = $pm_method->getPaymentSystemData();
$payment_system = $paymentsysdata->paymentSystem;
$name = $lang->get("name");
$description = $lang->get("description");
$order->shipping_information = $shippingMethod->$name;
$order->payment_name = $pm_method->$name;
$order->payment_information = $order->payment_params;
if ($payment_system){
$payment_system->prepareParamsDispayMail($order, $pm_method);
if ($pm_method->show_descr_in_email) {
$order->payment_description = $pm_method->$description;
$order->payment_description = "";
$statictext = JTable::getInstance("statictext","jshop");
$rowstatictext = $statictext->loadData("order_email_descr");
$order_email_descr = $rowstatictext->text;
$order_email_descr = str_replace("{name}",$order->f_name, $order_email_descr);
$order_email_descr = str_replace("{family}",$order->l_name, $order_email_descr);
$order_email_descr = str_replace("{email}",$order->email, $order_email_descr);
$order_email_descr = str_replace("{title}",$order->title, $order_email_descr);
$rowstatictext = $statictext->loadData("order_email_descr_end");
$order_email_descr_end = $rowstatictext->text;
$order_email_descr_end = str_replace("{name}",$order->f_name, $order_email_descr_end);
$order_email_descr_end = str_replace("{family}",$order->l_name, $order_email_descr_end);
$order_email_descr_end = str_replace("{email}",$order->email, $order_email_descr_end);
$order_email_descr_end = str_replace("{title}",$order->title, $order_email_descr_end);
$text_total = _JSHOP_ENDTOTAL;
if (($jshopConfig->show_tax_in_product || $jshopConfig->show_tax_product_in_cart) && (count($order->order_tax_list)>0)){
$uri = JURI::getInstance();
$liveurlhost = $uri->toString(array("scheme",'host', 'port'));
if ($jshopConfig->admin_show_vendors){
$listVendors = $order->getVendors();
$listVendors = array();
$vendors_send_message = $jshopConfig->vendor_order_message_type==1;
$vendor_send_order = $jshopConfig->vendor_order_message_type==2;
$vendor_send_order_admin = (($jshopConfig->vendor_order_message_type==2 && $order->vendor_type == 0 && $order->vendor_id) || $jshopConfig->vendor_order_message_type==3);
if ($vendor_send_order_admin) {$vendor_send_order = 0;}
$admin_send_order = 1;
if ($jshopConfig->admin_not_send_email_order_vendor_order && $vendor_send_order_admin && count($listVendors)) {$admin_send_order = 0;}
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeSendEmailsOrder', array(&$order, &$listVendors, &$file_generete_pdf_order, &$admin_send_order));

//client message
$view_name = "checkout";
$view_config = array("template_path"=>JPATH_COMPONENT_SITE."/templates/".$jshopConfig->template."/".$view_name);
$view = new JshoppingViewCheckout($view_config);
$pdfsend = 1;
if ($jshopConfig->send_invoice_manually && !$manuallysend){ $pdfsend = 0;}
if ($pdfsend && ($jshopConfig->order_send_pdf_client || $jshopConfig->order_send_pdf_admin)){
$order->pdf_file = generatePdf($order, $jshopConfig);
$mailfrom = $mainframe->getCfg('mailfrom');
$fromname = $mainframe->getCfg('fromname');
//send mail client
if ($order->email){
if($os=="Paid"||$os=="Shipped"||$os=="Collectable"){$subj= _JSHOP_PO_TO_INVOICE." ".$os;}
if($os=="Confirmed"||$os=="Pending"||$os=="Adjusted"){$subj.= " ".$os;}
$mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
$mailer->setSender(array(/*$mailfrom*/"", $fromname));
$mailer->setSubject( sprintf($subj, $order->order_number));
if ($pdfsend && $jshopConfig->order_send_pdf_client){
$send = $mailer->Send();

/*send mail admin...
$dispatcher->trigger('onAfterSendEmailsOrder', array(&$order));
}// function AsendOrderEmail end

Below jimport('joomla.application.component.controller');
I added the A (AsendOrderEmail) to indicate it used from Admin (backend).
In order.php further down I did this:
//message client
if ($notify){
$ishtml = true;
//copied the function sendOrderEmail from checkout.php put it at the top

/* $subject = sprintf(_JSHOP_ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE_SUBJECT, $order->order_number);
$dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeSendClientMailOrderStatus', array(&$message, &$order, &$comments, &$new_status, &$vendorinfo, &$order_details_url, &$ishtml, &$mailfrom, &$fromname, &$subject));
$mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
$mailer->setSender(array($mailfrom, $fromname));
$mailer->setSubject($order_status." - ".$prev_order_status);
$send = $mailer->Send();
*/ }

Now here is the interesting stuff I did with the template invoiceemail.php. Below the <body> tag I put the following:
<?php /*Define variables basend on conditions so you don't have so many "if" statements all over the place.*/
// Paid
$infotext="<p style='padding:10px; background:#fff;'>This is confirmation that we have received payment for your order.<br />";
if($this->order->shipping_information=="Courier to me"){$infotext.="We will notify you soon when your order has been couriered.</p>";}
if($this->order->shipping_information=="I will Collect"){$infotext.="We will notify you soon when your order is ready for collection.</p>";}
$eftinfo="<b>Payment received, Thank you.</b>";
// Shipped
$infotext="<p style='padding:10px; background:#fff;'>This is to inform you that your order has now collected by the courier. Your way bill number is: <b>".$this->order->payment_information."</b>. Should it not arrive with in 2 working days please contact us during normal business hours.<br />Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00, Sat 08:00-13:00<br />";
$eftinfo="<b>Payment received, Thank you.</b>";
// Collectable
$infotext="<p style='padding:10px; background:#fff;'>This is to let you know your order is now ready for collection. You are welcome to fectch it any time during normal business hours.<br />Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00, Sat 08:00-13:00<br />";
/* $eftinfo="<b>Payment received, Thank you.</b>";*/
// Confirmed
$emailtitle.=" ".$this->order->status;
$infotext="<p style='padding:10px; background:#fff;'>Thank you for your order.<br />We have checked stock availability";
if($this->order->shipping_information=="Courier to me"){$infotext.=" and your delivery cost based on the address provided";}
$infotext.=". We confirm that all stock ordered is available and no adjustments to your order were done.<br />Please check through your order carefully and if everything is correct please pay via EFT with the bank details provided below.<br />Should you need to change anything please call us on 012 3489600, or reply to this email indicating the changes required.</p>";
$eftinfo="<b>Bank Details</b><br />Bank: Standard Bank<br />Account Name: Party Shop<br />Account Number: 411335391<br />Account type: Cheque Account<br />Branch: Menlyn 012345";
// Adjusted
$emailtitle.=" ".$this->order->status;
$infotext="<p style='padding:10px; background:#fff;'>Thank you for your order.<br />We have checked stock availability";
if($this->order->shipping_information=="Courier to me"){$infotext.=" and your delivery cost based on the address provided";}
$infotext.=". We have made some necessary adjustments to your order.<br />Please check through your order carefully and if everything is correct please pay via EFT with the bank details provided below.<br />Should you find any mistakes or need to change anything please call us on 012 3489600, or reply to this email indicating the changes required.</p>";
$eftinfo="<b>Bank Details</b><br />Bank: Standard Bank<br />Account Name: Party Shop<br />Account Number: 411335391<br />Account type: Cheque Account<br />Branch: Menlyn 012345";
// Pending

Then changed various line in the template to use the variables $infotext, $eftinof, $emailtitle etc.
<h2><?php print $emailtitle; ?></h2>
<p style="font-size:16px;">Hello <?php print $this->order->f_name; ?> <?php print $this->order->l_name; ?>.</p><br />
<?php print $infotext; ?>
<tr class = "bg_gray">
<td colspan = "2"> <h3><?php print $emailtitle1; ?></h3> </td>

<?php if (!$this->config->without_payment){?>
<td valign="top">
<div><?php print $this->order->payment_name;?><br />
<?php print $eftinfo; ?>

I move $this->order->payment_information from under payment to under delivery and use it to put the tracking number of the couriered order before changing the status to shipped.
if ($this->config->show_delivery_date && $order->delivery_date_f){
print "<div>"._JSHOP_DELIVERY_DATE.": ".$order->delivery_date_f."</div>";
if($this->order->payment_information){ print nl2br("\n<b>".$this->order->payment_information."</b>\n"); }

I hope this helps.

06.10.2014 08:46
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Stanley
Posts: 17
Aw: Resend the updated Purchase order as an invoice

I forgot to mention I added a couple of lines to the dictionary:
define('_JSHOP_PO_TO_INVOICE', 'Invoice # %s');
define('_JSHOP_EMAIL_INVOICE', 'Invoice');


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