Shipping methods Problem in Checkout

03.01.2011 20:01
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: leo
Posts: 4
Shipping methods Problem in Checkout

Dear Friends, the step of choosing shipping method stoped working. I tried de activating gzip, or changing language but still the same.
No option appears when I get to shipping method.

Thank you.

Joomla: 1.5.22
JoomShopping: 2.6.2
PHP: 5.xx
MySQL: last
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03.01.2011 20:24
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25974
Aw: Shipping methods Problem in Checkout

Enable country for registration, address.

error will be fixed in 2.7.0

04.01.2011 05:07
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: leo
Posts: 4
Aw: Shipping methods Problem in Checkout

Hey! it worked, Thank you so much for the answer and its speed.
I have a little agricultural shoping in Bolivia and your system is the only one that let me make my own TAXI delivery option and paying possibilities that are offline.

Excellent balance of simplicity and options. Yout cupons are also great! I use it as a kind of debit charging. So people buy a cupon from me and then they are debited.

keep with the good work friends.


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