Product's SEO url generates 404 when menu item has same alias

12.11.2014 21:21
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Manuel
Сообщения: 6
Product's SEO url generates 404 when menu item has same alias

Let's say I have a product category called "Qualitätsbrände" (alias qualitaetsbraende) with one product called "Birnenbrand" (alias birnenbrand)

And I have a menu structure like this:
- "Produkte" (alias produkte)
- - "Qualitätsbrände" (alias qualitaetsbraende)

"Produkte" is a list of all product categories and the sub item "Qualitätsbrände" is a list of all products of the product category "Qualitätsbrände".

As the menu item "Qualitätsbrände" and the product category "Qualitätsbrände" have the same alias, the seo url
"/produkte/qualitaetsbraende/birnenbrand" does not lead to the product details of "Birnenbrand", but it leads to a 404 page, as the menu item "Qualitätsbrände" has no sub item.

After searching I found out, that the joomshopping router does not handle requests that use the products controller. So as a workaround I extended the code in file /components/com_jshopping/router.php line 267. I changed:
if ($menuItem->query['controller']=="category" && $menuItem->query['category_id'] && $segments[1]==""){
if (($menuItem->query['controller']=="category" || $menuItem->query['controller']=="products") && $menuItem->query['category_id'] && $segments[1]==""){

...and it works fine now.

Is this worth to be applied in one of the next updates, or is it just a dirty hack, that creates an error anywhere else?

Best regards,
-Manuel Will

Joomla: 3.3.6
JoomShopping: 4.7.0
PHP: 5.6.0
MySQL: 5.5.39
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13.11.2014 10:23
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Сообщения: 25974
Aw: Product's SEO url generates 404 when menu item has same alias

Create item menu
Qualitätsbrände" (alias qualitaetsbraende) as category (Not products)

22.01.2015 04:24
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Manuel
Сообщения: 6
Aw: Product's SEO url generates 404 when menu item has same alias

Hello there,
sorry for my late answer. "Qualitätsbrände" is a category.

Best regards,
-Manuel Will


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