Need help. generete_pdf_order.php

16.04.2011 19:51
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: john
Сообщения: 410
Need help. generete_pdf_order.php

I tried to alter generete_pdf_order.php. The result in JoomShopping - Preview pdf is perfect.

But when I by over 37 item. The system log the use out. I think is because there is something with the alteration of the generete_pdf_order.php.
I have only alter few lines. I have copy the original lines. Ex. :
// (ORG:) $this->Image($jshopConfig->path . '/images/footer.jpg',1,265,$jshopConfig->pdf_footer_width,$jshopConfig->pdf_footer_height);
$this->Image($jshopConfig->path . '/images/footer.jpg',1,255,$jshopConfig->pdf_footer_width,$jshopConfig->pdf_footer_height);

I think is has something to due with page shift...
Can anybody see what wrong.

* @version 3.1.0 12.03.2011
* @author MAXXmarketing GmbH
* @package Jshopping
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010 All rights reserved.
* @license GNU/GPL

define('K_TCPDF_EXTERNAL_CONFIG', true);
// Installation path
define("K_PATH_MAIN", JPATH_SITE.DS."components".DS."com_jshopping".DS."lib".DS."tcpdf");
// URL path
// Fonts path
define("K_PATH_FONTS", JPATH_SITE.DS."components".DS."com_jshopping".DS."lib".DS."tcpdf".DS."fonts".DS);
// Cache directory path
define("K_PATH_CACHE", K_PATH_MAIN.DS."cache");
// Cache URL path
define("K_PATH_URL_CACHE", K_PATH_URL.DS."cache");
// Images path
define("K_PATH_IMAGES", K_PATH_MAIN.DS."images");
// Blank image path
define("K_BLANK_IMAGE", K_PATH_IMAGES.DS."_blank.png");

* Format options
// Cell height ratio
define("K_CELL_HEIGHT_RATIO", 1.5);
// Magnification scale for titles
// Reduction scale for small font
define("K_SMALL_RATIO", 2/3);
// Magnication scale for head


class MYPDF extends TCPDF{
function addNewPage(){
function addTitleHead(){
$jshopConfig = &JSFactory::getConfig();
$this->Image($jshopConfig->path . '/images/header.jpg',1,1,$jshopConfig->pdf_header_width,$jshopConfig->pdf_header_height);
$this->Image($jshopConfig->path . '/images/footer.jpg',1,255,$jshopConfig->pdf_footer_width,$jshopConfig->pdf_footer_height);
// (ORG:) $this->Image($jshopConfig->path . '/images/footer.jpg',1,265,$jshopConfig->pdf_footer_width,$jshopConfig->pdf_footer_height);
$this->MultiCell(60,2,$jshopConfig->store_address . "\n" . $jshopConfig->store_zip . " " . $jshopConfig->store_city . "\n" . _JSHOP_CONTACT_PHONE . ":" . $jshopConfig->contact_phone . "\n"
. $jshopConfig->store_url. "\n" );
// (ORG:) $this->MultiCell(40,3,$jshopConfig->store_address . "\n" . $jshopConfig->store_zip . " " . $jshopConfig->store_city . "\n" . _JSHOP_CONTACT_PHONE . ":" . $jshopConfig->contact_phone . "\n" . _JSHOP_CONTACT_FAX . ":" . $jshopConfig->contact_fax,0,'R');

function generatePDF($order){

$jshopConfig = &JSFactory::getConfig();

$pdf = new MYPDF();
$pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0);

// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(20,55);
// (ORG:)$pdf->setfontsize(6);
// (ORG:)$pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,0);
// (ORG:)$pdf->MultiCell(80,3,$jshopConfig->store_company_name . ", " . $jshopConfig->store_address . ", " . $jshopConfig->store_zip . " " . $jshopConfig->store_city,0,'L');

// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(110,55);
// (ORG:)$pdf->MultiCell(80,3,_JSHOP_EMAIL_BILL,0,'R');

// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(20,60);
$pdf->MultiCell(80,4.5,$order->firma_name . "\n" . $order->f_name . " " . $order->l_name . "\n" . $order->street . "\n" . $order->zip . " " . $order->city . "\n" . $order->country, 0,'L');

// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(110,65);
$pdf->MultiCell(80,3,_JSHOP_ORDER_SHORT_NR . " " . $order->order_number . "\n" . _JSHOP_ORDER_FROM . " " . $order->order_date,0,'R');


if ( $jshopConfig->identification_number){
// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(115,102);
$pdf->MultiCell(35, 4, _JSHOP_IDENTIFICATION_NUMBER, 1, 'L');
// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(150,102);
$pdf->MultiCell(40, 4, $jshopConfig->identification_number, 1, 'R');
if ($jshopConfig->tax_number){
// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(115,106);
$pdf->MultiCell(35, 4, _JSHOP_TAX_NUMBER, 1, 'L');
// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(150,106);
$pdf->MultiCell(40, 4, $jshopConfig->tax_number, 1, 'R');

$width_filename = 65;
if (!$jshopConfig->show_product_code_in_order) $width_filename = 87;
// (ORG:)$pdf->Rect(20,116,170,4,'F');
// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(20,116);
$pdf->MultiCell($width_filename, 4, _JSHOP_NAME_PRODUCT, 1, 'L');

if ($jshopConfig->show_product_code_in_order){
// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(85,75);
// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(85,116);
$pdf->MultiCell(22, 4, _JSHOP_EAN_PRODUCT, 1, 'L');

// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(107,116);
$pdf->MultiCell(18, 4, _JSHOP_QUANTITY, 1, 'L');

// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(125,116);
$pdf->MultiCell(25, 4, _JSHOP_SINGLEPRICE, 1, 'L');
// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(150,116);
$pdf->MultiCell(40, 4,_JSHOP_TOTAL, 1,'R');

$y = 79;
// (ORG:)$y = 120;
foreach ($order->products as $prod){

$pdf->SetXY(20, $y + 2);
$pdf->MultiCell($width_filename, 4, $prod->product_name, 0 , 'L');
if ($prod->product_attributes!="" || $prod->product_freeattributes!=""){
$pdf->SetXY(23, $pdf->getY());
$pdf->MultiCell(62, 4, $prod->product_attributes.$prod->product_freeattributes, 0 , 'L');
$y2 = $pdf->getY() + 2;

if ($jshopConfig->show_product_code_in_order){
$pdf->SetXY(85, $y + 2);
$pdf->MultiCell(22, 4, $prod->product_ean, 0 , 'L');
$y3 = $pdf->getY() + 2;
$y3 = $pdf->getY();

$pdf->SetXY(107, $y + 2);
$pdf->MultiCell(18, 4, $prod->product_quantity, 0 , 'L');
$y4 = $pdf->getY() + 2;

$pdf->SetXY(125, $y + 2);
$pdf->MultiCell(25, 4, formatprice($prod->product_item_price, $order->currency_code), 0 , 'L');

if ($jshopConfig->show_tax_product_in_cart && $prod->product_tax>0){
$pdf->SetXY(125, $y + 6);
$text = productTaxInfo($prod->product_tax, $order->display_price);
$pdf->MultiCell(25, 4, $text, 0 , 'L');
$y5 = $pdf->getY() + 2;

$pdf->SetXY(150, $y + 2);
$pdf->MultiCell(40, 4, formatprice($prod->product_quantity * $prod->product_item_price, $order->currency_code), 0 , 'R');

if ($jshopConfig->show_tax_product_in_cart && $prod->product_tax>0){
$pdf->SetXY(150, $y + 6);
$text = productTaxInfo($prod->product_tax, $order->display_price);
$pdf->MultiCell(40, 4, $text, 0 , 'R');
$y6 = $pdf->getY() + 2;

$yn = max($y2, $y3, $y4, $y5, $y6);

$pdf->Rect(20, $y, 170, $yn - $y );
$pdf->Rect(20, $y, 130, $yn - $y );

if ($jshopConfig->show_product_code_in_order){
$pdf->line(85, $y, 85, $yn);
$pdf->line(107, $y, 107, $yn);
$pdf->line(125, $y, 125, $yn);

$y = $yn;

if ($y > 250){
// (ORG:)if ($y > 260){
$y = 60;

if ($y > 230){
// (ORG:)if ($y > 240){
$y = 60;


if (($jshopConfig->hide_tax || count($order->order_tax_list)==0) && $order->order_discount==0 && $order->order_payment==0 && $jshopConfig->without_shipping) $hide_subtotal = 1; else $hide_subtotal = 0;

if (!$hide_subtotal){
$pdf->MultiCell(40,5,formatprice($order->order_subtotal, $order->currency_code),'1','R');
$y = $y - 5;

if ($order->order_discount > 0){
$y = $y + 5;
$pdf->MultiCell(40,5, "-".formatprice($order->order_discount, $order->currency_code),'1','R');

if (!$jshopConfig->without_shipping){
$pdf->SetXY(20,$y + 5);
$pdf->Rect(20,$y + 5,170,5,'F');
$pdf->SetXY(150,$y + 5);
$pdf->MultiCell(40,5,formatprice($order->order_shipping, $order->currency_code),'1','R');
$y = $y - 5;

if ($order->order_payment > 0){
$y = $y + 5;
$pdf->MultiCell(130,5, $order->payment_name,'1','R');
$pdf->MultiCell(40,5, formatprice($order->order_payment, $order->currency_code), '1','R');

$show_percent_tax = 0;
if (count($order->order_tax_list)>1 || $jshopConfig->show_tax_in_product) $show_percent_tax = 1;
if ($jshopConfig->hide_tax) $show_percent_tax = 0;

if (!$jshopConfig->hide_tax){
foreach($order->order_tax_list as $percent=>$value){
$pdf->SetXY(20,$y + 10);
$pdf->Rect(20,$y + 10,170,5,'F');
$text = displayTotalCartTaxName($order->display_price);
if ($show_percent_tax) $text = $text." ".formattax($percent)."%";
$pdf->MultiCell(130,5,$text ,'1','R');
$pdf->SetXY(150,$y + 10);
$pdf->MultiCell(40,5,formatprice($value, $order->currency_code),'1','R');
$y = $y + 5;

$text_total = _JSHOP_ENDTOTAL;
if (($jshopConfig->show_tax_in_product || $jshopConfig->show_tax_product_in_cart) && (count($order->order_tax_list)>0)){

$pdf->SetXY(20,$y + 10);
$pdf->Rect(20,$y + 10,170, 5.1,'F');
$pdf->MultiCell(130, 5 , $text_total,'1','R');

$pdf->SetXY(150,$y + 10);
$pdf->MultiCell(40,5,formatprice($order->order_total, $order->currency_code),'1','R');

$y = $y + 30;

if ($y > 230){
// (ORG:)if ($y > 240){
$y = 60;

$pdf->SetXY(115, $y);
$pdf->Rect(115, $y, 75,4,'F');

$pdf->SetXY(115, 4 + $y);

$pdf->SetXY(115,8 + $y);

$pdf->SetXY(115,12 + $y);

$pdf->SetXY(115,16 + $y);

$pdf->SetXY(115,20 + $y);

$pdf->SetXY(115,24 + $y);

// (ORG:)$pdf->Rect(115,28 + $y,75,4,'F');
// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(115,28 + $y);
// (ORG:)$pdf->MultiCell(75,4,_JSHOP_INTERM_BANK,'1','L');

// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(115,32 + $y);
// (ORG:)$pdf->MultiCell(75,4,_JSHOP_INTERM_NAME,'1','L');

// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(115,36 + $y);
// (ORG:)$pdf->MultiCell(75,4,_JSHOP_INTERM_SWIFT,'1','L');

$pdf->SetXY(115,4 + $y);

$pdf->SetXY(115,8 + $y);

$pdf->SetXY(115,12 + $y);

$pdf->SetXY(115,16 + $y);

$pdf->SetXY(115,20 + $y);

$pdf->SetXY(115,24 + $y);

// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(115,32 + $y);
// (ORG:)$pdf->MultiCell(75,4,$jshopConfig->interm_name,'0','R');

// (ORG:)$pdf->SetXY(115,36 + $y);
// (ORG:)$pdf->MultiCell(75,4,$jshopConfig->interm_swift,'0','R');

$name_pdf = $order->order_id."_".md5(uniqid(rand(0,100))) . ".pdf";
$pdf->Output($jshopConfig->pdf_orders_path."/".$name_pdf ,'F');
return $name_pdf;
Kind Regards
John Jacobsen

Joomla: 1.6.1
JoomShopping: 3.1.1
PHP: 5.3.5
MySQL: 5.0.51a-24+lenny5-log
Website Url: ....... test ....... test2

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