shipping problem: Attribute mismatch: AMOUNT. Order number 318

19.12.2012 20:45
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: Andreas Brüniger
Posts: 24
shipping problem: Attribute mismatch: AMOUNT. Order number 318

I am facing the problem, that if I am purchasing exactly 3(!) obejcts of one product which is 1.0000kg heavy, get the error when paying with saferpay over the addon Saferpay: "Attribute mismatch: AMOUNT. Order number 318"
This is strange and in my opinion, it has something to do with the shippping calculation I am doing with the addon: Calculate for price/postal code
See the image to understand, how the delviveryprice is calculated.
Now, I hope this is giving you a clue:
If I set the deliveryprice to 0.0 Fr, it works fine, but If i set it to 7Fr, I get the error.

So I am puzzled with this error and dont know how to solve it.
thanks for your help
shipping problem: Attribute mismatch: AMOUNT. Order number 318

10.01.2013 08:59
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25975
Aw: shipping problem: Attribute mismatch: AMOUNT. Order number 318

1. install Saferpay 1.0.1
2. install Calculate for price/postal code 1.3.1


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