Suggestion for product detail thumbs output

10.09.2013 12:06
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: mikass
Posts: 2
Suggestion for product detail thumbs output

Hi everybody! My post is more for developers. I have a suggestion to slightly change current thumbnails output in Product detail view.
So, we have default_div template that generates thumbs output with the following markup:

<span id='list_product_image_thumb'>
<?php if ( (count($this->images)>1) || (count($this->videos) && count($this->images)) ) {?>
<?php foreach($this->images as $k=>$image){?>
<img class="jshop_img_thumb" src="<?php print $this->image_product_path?>/<?php print $image->image_thumb?>" alt="<?php print htmlspecialchars($image->_title)?>" title="<?php print htmlspecialchars($image->_title)?>" onclick="showImage(<?php print $image->image_id?>)" />
<?php }?>
<?php }?>

And if one wants to wrap thumb image in additional div or to change the whole output to be a list, like this:

<ul id='list_product_image_thumb'>
<?php if ( (count($this->images)>1) || (count($this->videos) && count($this->images)) ) {?>
<?php foreach($this->images as $k=>$image){?>
<img class="jshop_img_thumb" src="<?php print $this->image_product_path?>/<?php print $image->image_thumb?>" alt="<?php print htmlspecialchars($image->_title)?>" title="<?php print htmlspecialchars($image->_title)?>" onclick="showImage(<?php print $image->image_id?>)" />
<?php }?>
<?php }?>

and it works fine until one choose attributes value. And then all our markup breaks and returns to default. It happens due to the fact that this output also generates in functions.js. So if one wants his custom markup to work fine he has to also edit functions.js file. But it`s not good because it will work up to the next update.

Can you make so that thumbnails output markup generates only in product_default.php so that one could easily change it to his own needs without changing file.
I think it would be convenient for everybody and would let to change only template files without changing the core.
Thank in advance.

10.09.2013 12:10
(Support Team)
User admin
Name: Admin
Posts: 25938
Aw: Suggestion for product detail thumbs output

Configuration / Shop function
Extended parameters for attributes: disable

10.09.2013 12:21
Joomshopping forum user no avatar
Name: mikass
Posts: 2
Aw: Suggestion for product detail thumbs output

That`s great! But, if one wants to use extended parametres and also wants to use his own markup for styling it won`t work.


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