Joomshopping Addons: Reward (user points)

The Reward (user points) add-on for JoomShopping allows you to integrate a reward system for users based on their activity in your online store. It is a powerful tool that boosts customer loyalty, attracts new buyers, and increases sales.

Key Features:
Earning Points for Purchases.
Earning points for reviews.
Earning points for registration.

Flexible Configuration:
Ability to set different coefficients for point accrual.

Using Points:
Customers can use accumulated points to get discounts or pay for orders.
Full control over the minimum number of points required for use.

Who It’s For:
This add-on is perfect for online stores that aim to encourage repeat customers and attract new audiences through a loyalty program.
Use Reward (user points) to improve customer engagement, increase their activity, and strengthen your brand's position!

Enter here the domain name to be created on which the Lizenkey.
Note that it is not possible to transfer the license to another domain.
* Required
Price: 66.95 EUR (Price depends on the country. Please log in)
  Joomla: 2.5 - 5.x
  JoomShopping: 4.2.2 / 5.0.0 +
  PHP: 7.4 - 8.3

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