Version History
New configurations ordering_full_name, admin_ordering_extra_field_values_in_select
Fixed order edit.
Fixed router for addons.
Fixed show plus shipping.
Fixed wishlist with unpublished products.
Updated style admin part.
Added new triggers.
Fixed pagination for Joomla 5.1.3
Fixed registration.
Fixed add in wishlist.
Fixed style for Joomla 5.
Updated item menu create (field category, manufacturer, label ...) as select.
Updated image select style.
Fixed save charactiristic.
Router updated.
Admin user list - new filter: enabled.
Fixed multi edit characteristic.
Fixed style for Joomla 5.
Added new triggers.
Fixed load attribute value for product.
Updated AddonCore. (loadCss, loadJs override)
Updated legacy code: JoomShopping works from Joomla 5 without plugin Backward Compatibility.
Added option install module / plugin from JoomShopping install.
Added option install addon from temp folder.
Added sorting for order status.
Charactiristic field description type: textarea.
Addons catalog (view available addons).
Added access for Payment and Shipping.
Updated lightbox.
New config var payment_status_no_send_mail_status.
Fixed order trigger.
Added button download log file
Fixed css
Fixed template attribute_input_radio
Fixed field validation in registration.
Product Characteristics Type: (List, Multiple List, Text (Save unique), Text, Text Deprecated)
Not available / available in product detail.
Added new triggers.
Optimized work with dependent attributes.
Fixed php 8 warnings.
Added new triggers.
Fixed php 8 warnings.
Fixed added from wishlist to cart.
Fixed saved in wishlist table.
Fixed php 8 warnings.
Joomla 5 dark mode css.
Added new triggers.
Added new server for addons.
Fixed php 8 warnings.
Wishlist save for user.
Fixed save main_category for multi edit product.
New message: Discount code successfully applied.
Admin product filter without category.
Product / edit - new field EAN.
In admin area - display product / category ... for current admin language.
New config:
$config->product_admin_demo_file = 1;
$config->product_admin_sale_file = 1;
Characteristics / new option Unique value for product.
Product / edit - Add new option for Characteristics.
Fixed php 8 warnings.
Fixed order loading.
AddonCore is not abstract.
Fixed show extra_fields in order.
Option checkout_form_finish_multipart
Attribut / free attribut description as textarea
Fixed generate image
Lib / CSV option readRow / writeRow
Admin order edit fix display field: firma_code, tax_number
Updated style rating star.
Fix php 8 warnings.
Fix order status update / order create (2 mail send).
Fix error - mail function disabled.
Add charatiristic to prodct / admin order create.
User registration - allowed and disallowed email domains.
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Fix url redirect after user activate.
Fix sale file download.
Order/ history / added - Include this comment
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Paypal cancel url changed.
New options in config: load_javascript_bootstrap, load_javascript_jquery.
New triggers added.
Characteristics description save html.
Updated multi product edit.
Display basic price for 'Price per consignment'
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Fix / add triggers.
Added main category for product (for seo url)
Added seo for images (product, category, manufacturer)
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Updated admin style.
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Fix warning in PHP 8.
5.0.6 (26.07.2022)
Fix registration password and password2 check.
Fix registration email confirmation.
Fix import start by cron.
Fix php 8 warnings.
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Fix bug router.
Fix return 404 page not found.
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Fix bug save privacy statement.
Fix bug static text.
Fix bug router.
Fix save image Orientation.
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Updated admin style.
Fix router.
Fix admin menu.
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Fix update stock after change attribute.
Fix save cofiguration.
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Fix tooltip.
Added support image WEBP.
Cron Job for specific Import/Export.
Shows date and time for reviews.
Fix warning in PHP 8.
Fix trigger warning in new joomla version.
Fix upload file name
Fix filter date in order list.
Fix admin/list order.
Fix translation.
Bug fixes.
Fix search.
Fix translation.
Fix random product list.
Added shipping_params for order edit.
Fix Paypal check order data.
Fix multilingual associations.
Changed copyright text.
Added new option for PayPal: Return method GET
4.18.0 (06.09.2018)
Added multilingual associations.
Fix Paypal cancel order.
Fix attribute ordering save.
Fix bug php 7 warning.
Fix meta tag robots
Fix coupons
Creation HTML template for sending to Email.
fix calculate old price for attribute.
Password - The test during input would.
fix lang for send order mail / (admin/order/send).
image resize memory limit fix.
fix user create in admin.
admin / product list - added manufacturer code
admin / client list - added company
Added new triggers
New option - count product on page / row
Fix bugs:
admin / product list - display category
fix order tax calculate
fix calculate old price for attribute
Added 'not_delete' and 'not_delete_html' fields for cart products in view
Added button edit on the page order preview.
Fix saveToLog date.
Option save payment data in order.
Before delete item list - message ...
Fix delete attribute.
Fix copy attribute.
Fix calendar css
Added load ini language for Addons.
addon add method deleteFieldTable.
fix show old price for attribute.
check password - use joomla configuration.
Check min. size upload image to product.
product list pagination - show result counter.
ability to overwrite addons language constants,
filter category for charactiristics,
Show Delivery time in cart for products,
update product Stock after order edit,
check delete manufacturers.
New options:
manufacturer_code for products,
start automatic Import / export with filter,
user filter from usergroup.
Bug Fixed:
fix getJsDate for joomla 3.7,
fix save ip v6,
fix save Html for addons parrams.
Update shop from Joomla update.
Config option: orderchangestatus_email_html
Config option: search_form_method (get, post)
Config option: admin_list_related_show_prod_code
send email in order list (invoice manual)
Bug fixes.
New options:
Client id in my account,
Hide rating
Bug fixes.
New options:
disable ean, old price, product url, admin function,
Search coupons,
Clear cart.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Added new options:
admin / order / coupon apply,
product imagename lowercase.
Bug fixes:
admin / order / tax calculate.
Bug fixes:
Not displayed Options / addons / configuration,
Wrong total price,
Error with Default frontend currency ID.
Bug fixes.
Admin code refactoring.
New options:
Select user in order edit and coupon edit.
JRequest replaced by JInput
Bug fixes.
Added new triggers
Bug fixes.
Added new triggers
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Added option: Video HTML5
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes:
1. Redirect after login;
2. Double 'return policy' in email.
Bug fixes.
4.11.4Bug fixes.
4.11.3Bug fixes.
Added new option:
display tax 0,
New static text 'Description of the order for the customer (in email) (send manually)'
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Code refactoring.
Added new triggers
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes (Price calculation in addons).
Added new api for addons.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
4.10.3Bug fixes.
4.10.2Bug fixes.
4.10.1Bug fixes.
Added step 'cart' and 'login' in header checkout.
New functions for order edit:
load attribute, attribute price;
calculate tax;
calculate shipping price;
calculate payment price.
New option:
Hide price = 0;
Hide the sidebar;
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
4.9.1 (3.20.2)Bug fixes.
Default template changed to responsive!
Fixed template admin.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Added new triggers
Groups for attributes,
Ability to set parameters for deliveries.
Characteristics for mass editing products.
Fixed payment system Paypal.
Fixed bugs.
Bug fixes.
Added new triggers
Bug fixes.
Added new triggers
Fixed errors when creating menu items.
If you are installing the module and plug-in - error.
formatprice_style_currency_span = 1; - Currency in span
adm_prod_list_default_sorting - default sorting table Products in the admin
Updated to work with payment systems
Ability to save transaction
Ability to create many payment systems - using 1 class
Option Shop mode: normal / developer
mode: developer:
Ability to browse log files
Change payment type for payment systems
View order transactions
If the result of the filter items 0 - displays a message
For developers, added many new triggers.
3.18.5 (4.6.1)
Bug fixes.
3.18.4Bug fixes.
3.18.3Added new triggers
Bug fixes.
Possible update shop in 1 click
Bug fixes.
Added option:
Return policy for product.
Bug fixes.
Administrator can create a new client.
New field at registration.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Added email confirmation in checkout step address.
Added filter vendor in the administrator / product list.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Added field customer number.
Changed payment system Debit.
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
3.16.0 (4.4.0)
Resize full image product
Filter in category (administrator)
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
3.15.2 (4.3.2)Bug fixes.
3.15.1 (4.3.1)Bug fixes.
3.15.0 (4.3.0)
Option to disable email field
Multi-language for the labels
Displays the basic price in cart
The ability to change the order of checkout steps
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
3.14.2 (4.2.1)Bug fixes.
3.14.1Bug fixes.
3.14.0 (4.2.0)
In registration of the added field "Middle name" and "birthday".
In the list of addons will not be the Key field (for addons without key)
Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
3.13.1Bug fixes.
Ability to use images from the server (product edit).
Show the number of file downloads (in orders).
Possible hidden "Terms of Service".
Send invoice manually.
Improved overload languages.
Bug fixes.
Version store for Joomla 3.0
Functions as 3.12.3
Bug fixes.
Added: override language
Bug fixes.
3.12.1Bug fixes.
Privacy Statement (Registration / Address).
The price of the package for the order.
Delivery date for order.
Customer choice when creating order from admin.
Updated paypal.
The list of categories is displayed as a tree.
Bug fixes.
Version store for Joomla 3.0
Functions as 3.11.4
Changed template to be compatible with 4.0.0
Changed template cart
Bug fixes.
Small Bug fixes.
3.11.2Bug fixes.
Bug fixes.
Changes in highlighting errors for fields registration (used css class).
Show delivery, payment, weight in invoice,
The words "zoom image" on the product page,
Parameters for addons,
For the names of pictures are not using md5,
Fixed Paypal.
Show manufacturer in cart, in product detail.
Set count product for Top hits, Top rating, Label products, Bestseller, Random, Last products
Bug fixes (SEF url)
Insert video code (for Youtube),
Description for attribute, characteristics,
Notification when a new version,
Edit password for my profile.
+Bug fixes.
Bug fixes (SEF url)
Time of delivery + address invoice in step 5
Overriding Addresses for paypal
+Bug fixes
fixed loading jQuery.noConflict();
New option: show characteristic in cart
+Bug fixes
Binding URL store to item menu
Accounting and removing add-ons
Added Delivery time in Shipping prices
Editing a Group Product
Editing an order in admin
Small Bug fixes
Ability to unlock an unfinished order
Categories for attributes
+ Small Bug fixes
Checking product in stock before ordering(step5save).
My orders. displays new versions of digital product.
+ Small Bug fixes
Added search for (Any words, All words, Exact Phrase)
Sorting products in admin area
+ Small Bug fixes
Fixed bug (Use short tags php)
3.4.1Fixed bug (display a list of products in the category)
3.4.0Now you can select the unit Measured for the "Price per consignment"
+ Small Bug fixes
+ Change in the templates
Template - Bug fixes
3.3.1Small Bug fixes
Access for categories, products
Display product quantity
For Product Characteristics added type (List, Text)
For Product Characteristics added Group
Hide price for non-registered.
Set currency for product
Use a decimal number (product quantity)
Shipping depend on payment
Extended parameters for attributes - change foto product after change attribut value
"prices for attributes" added multiplication and division, percentages
Display price without discount for "special" user group
Small Bug fixes
2.9.6 (3.2.6)
Fixed bug in check date for search.
error on page "playmedia"
Small Bug fixes
2.9.4 (3.2.4)
Fixed a bug when copying the product.
Added new event for plugins
Added parameters for creating menus (Joomla 1.6/1.7).
Added in the settings
Resize type for image (cut, fill, stretch)
Changes in calculating the price of delivery by weight
Hide shipping step (use first)
Hide payment step (use first)
+ Small Bug fixes
Updated version of jquery to 1.6.2
+ Small Bug fixes
Attribute types (dependent, independent - as in VM)
Display attributes (picture for SELECT. List for radio)
SSL for the pages - register, login, order.
title, description, keyword - for all pages.
The ability to change the order.
+ Bug fixes
Version store for Joomla 1.6
Functions as 2.8.4
fixed bug "Forgot your Password"
Fixed bugs:
save "Price per consignment"
registration user
Version store for Joomla 1.6
Functions as 2.8.3
Added support "payment price" in "%"
New option: Сalculate tax after discount
Changes in API payment system
Fixed small bug.
Version store for Joomla 1.6
Functions as 2.8.2
Fixed bug in registration, if use "Display registration form on login page"
Version store for Joomla 1.6
Functions as 2.8.1
Fixed small bug
Added sellers.
Purchase without registration (without going to the login)
Fixed display of currencies in order (bug with payment systems paypol, ..)
Purchase without the transition to Cart
Added free Attributes (text box)
Added a list of products - all products, the latest products, the best rating,....
added unlimited number of products.
Fixed other small bugs.
Added possibility to expand the component plugins
Security error fix.
Version store for Joomla 1.6
Functions as 2.7.3
mistake when buying a system without paying
lightbox for product images
Fixed bug encoding registration.
Fixed work basket at the Opera.
Fixed bug when buying without registration.
Fixed error checking email for "Other delivery adress".
Changed the maximum price
Product Characteristics
Sorted by hits and rating.
Return of goods to stock
Change the work of payment systems (sending a message after the payment).
IP to vote
Default Country
Fixed bugs:
price display (netto/brutto)
related product, comment.
Fixed bug:
Wrong display of product list in admin area
Plug-in product description functionality changes.
New feature
A lot of templates,
show prices including VAT, without VAT
VAT for countries
show/hide fields registration,
Fixed search
Limited access Manager to shop
Fixed bug:
"Free shipping for order" not used "Course of exchange"
Supported Plug-in product description.
Error in downloads count of purchased files
Does not display the product with an inactive category.
Changes in coupons (discount on product, to full the bag, display Balance on the coupon).
In the admin added a couple of filters.
Added new feature:
Base Price
Product label
Payment price
Settings (Shop functions)
Hits for product.
First value attributte - empty;
Display registration form on login page.
Change language file.
Add attribute for product (multiselect).
Added new feature: alias for product(seo).
Configuration: (min.,max. Order price), without step payment.
Fixed message error in php 5.3
Fixed errors:
tax display(e.g. 6.5%).
zip code check (e.g. 4 digits was wrong)
Added new feature: import & export, sale of files.
Changes in payment system.
Changed the order form pdf.
Added new feature: Delivery times.
Changed the order form pdf.
Added description of the category and manufacturers.
Ability to change the text on the page "Finish"
Fixed work with tax
Added new features:
Show tax for the product.
Hide button buy if product not available stock.
Fixed save
Update language.
Fixed bug save as html. Only when magic_quotes_gpc = On
2.2.1small changes from star for rating
Use as a directory.
Do not show products that do not have in stock.
Buy button in the product list.
Rating and review in the product list.
Corrected incompatibility price for the attribute and the price for quantity.
Fixed bug with copy product.
Added new features: Update shop.
correct bug with short_open_tag = Off
Changes in "Purchase without registering".
2.1.1Changes in payment system. Added payment system Sofortueberweisung
Added new features.
Purchase without registering
Expanding a functional menu items.
Correction works with jQuery 1.4
Change language file
2.0.0Full reprogramming Joomshopping 1.1.0 for Joomla 1.5 without legacy mode
Version History Joomshopping 1.0