Services / JoomShopping extensions / Joomshopping Addons / Coupons extrafields
Joomla: 1.6 - 5.x
JoomShopping: 3.11.4 / 4.2.1 / 5.0.0 +
Added new option:
Minimum order amount calculate: All products / Products for coupon
Minimum number of items in the order calculate: All products / Products for coupon
Updated lang file to ini
Added option:
Create coupon for all users.
Added option:
Limit products (count)
Added new option:
Minimum order amount calculate: All products / Products for coupon
Minimum number of items in the order calculate: All products / Products for coupon
Updated lang file to ini
Added option:
Create coupon for all users.
Added option:
Limit products (count)
Список файлов (Versions):
Coupons extrafields 3.10.1 (Joomshopping 5.0.0+)
Coupons extrafields 3.9.6 (Joomshopping 5.0.0+), (Joomla 4.x)
Coupons extrafields 3.8.6 (Joomshopping 5.0.0+), (Joomla 4.x)
Coupons extrafields 3.8.5 (Joomshopping 5.0.0+), (Joomla 4.x)
Coupons extrafields 3.8.4 (Joomshopping 5.0.0+), (Joomla 4.x)
Coupons extrafields (Joomshopping 5.0.0+), (Joomla 4.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.9.2 (Joomshopping 4.18.2 +), (Joomla 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.9.1 (Joomshopping 4.18.2 +), (Joomla 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.9.0 (Joomshopping 4.18.2 +), (Joomla 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.8.3 (Joomshopping 4.18.2 +), (Joomla 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.8.2 (Joomshopping 4.18.2 +), (Joomla 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.8.1 (Joomshopping 4.10.0 or higher), (Joomla 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.8.0 (Joomshopping 4.10.0 or higher), (Joomla 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.7.3 (Joomshopping 4.10.0 or higher), (Joomla 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.6.1 (Joomshopping 4.10.0 or higher), (Joomla 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.5.2 (Joomshopping 3.14.2 / 4.2.1 or higher), (Joomla 2.5 / 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.4.1 (Joomshopping 3.14.2 / 4.2.1 or higher), (Joomla 2.5 / 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.3.3 (Joomshopping 3.14.2 / 4.2.1 or higher), (Joomla 2.5 / 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.2.8 (Joomshopping 3.14.2 / 4.2.1 or higher), (Joomla 2.5 / 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 2.0.0 (Joomshopping 3.14.2 / 4.2.1 or higher), (Joomla 2.5 / 3.x)
Coupons extrafields 1.5.2 (Joomshopping 3.11.4 or higher)
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