Services / JoomShopping extensions / Joomshopping Addons / Cross-selling/Up-selling/Recommended

Joomshopping Addons: Cross-selling/Up-selling/Recommended

Cross-selling / Up-selling / Recommended products in cart
A popular approach to increase the profits of an online store.

How to use:
1. Create groups (Screenshot 3)
When creating a group, you can choose: show for the product or for the basket.
2. Product / Edit
Set a list of products for the Cross-sell / Up-sell group (Screenshot 2)
3. Result:
For the product (Screenshot 1)
For the basket (Screenshot 4)

Example of groups Cross-sell / Up-sell
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Enter here the domain name to be created on which the Lizenkey.
Note that it is not possible to transfer the license to another domain.
* Required
Price: 30.90 EUR (Price depends on the country. Please log in)
  Joomla: 3.x - 5.x
  JoomShopping: 4.12.0 + / 5.0.0 +

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