Joomshopping Addons: Vendor front-end

Addon for multi vendor shopping cart

Frontend part:
1. Register as a vendor.
2. Create category, products. (screenshot 1, 3)
3. Product publication for sale (after admin publish or Configuration auto publish product) (screensot 2, 3)
4. After the sale of the products money added to balance vendor
5. View orders with my products. (screenshot 4)
6. Cashing (Select payment system) (screenshot 5, 6)

Backend part:
- List vendors (screensot 7)
- Vendor products (screenshot 8)
- Vendor cashing (screenshot 9)
- Payments for cashing (screenshot 10)
- Configuration (screenshot 11, 12, 13)

For create item menu:
Install "Addon menu builder"
Install "plugin menu builder Vendor front-end"

Version history:
Version 2.2.1
Added payment, shipping, cart for vendor.

Version 2.6.0
Added option Order status modify

Enter here the domain name to be created on which the Lizenkey.
Note that it is not possible to transfer the license to another domain.
* Required
Price: 132.87 EUR (Price depends on the country. Please log in)
  Joomla: 3.x - 4.x
  JoomShopping: 4.3.0 / 5.0.0 +

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