Services / JoomShopping extensions / Joomshopping Templates + / Joomshopping Template gray

Joomshopping Templates +: Joomshopping Template gray

Joomshopping Template gray

You will receive with the template:
Cart ajax, Filter product extended, Wishlist Ajax, Quantity button controls, Search plus.

Version 2.4.0 (video 3)
Added new option: Image aspect ratio, Image object fit, Display subcategory for shop category, Animate (screenshot 9)
Module Search plus, Module Free slider, addon Quick view product images in the product list

Version 2.5.0
Added new option: Fixed menu.

Before update to 2.5.0 - need delete old addon JoomShopping Template Gray + all module (JoomShopping Template Gray)

Version 2.7.0
My account updated.
Addons "Ask a question about product", "Addon last visited products" - needs to be installed separately.

Введите здесь доменное имя, которое будет использовано для Ключа.
Обратите внимание, что передать лицензию другому домену невозможно.
* Обязательный
Цена: 60.00 EUR (Цена зависит от страны. Пожалуйста залогиньтесь)
  Joomla: 3.x - 5.x
  JoomShopping: 4.16.0 / 5.0.0 +

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