Services / JoomShopping extensions / Joomshopping Templates + / Quick view product images in the product list
Joomla: 3.x - 5.x
JoomShopping: 4.14.0 / 5.0.0+
Fixed link to product
Added support cart ajax.
Fixed link to product
Added support cart ajax.
Список файлов (Versions):
Quick view product images in the product list 2.2.9 (JoomShopping 5.3.0+ / bootstrap 5)
Quick view product images in the product list 2.2.7 (JoomShopping 5.3.0+ / bootstrap 5)
Quick view product images in the product list 2.2.6 (JoomShopping 5.3.0+ / bootstrap 5)
Quick view product images in the product list 2.2.5 (JoomShopping 5.3.0+ / bootstrap 5)
Quick view product images in the product list 2.2.3 (JoomShopping 5.0.0+ / bootstrap 5)
Quick view product images in the product list 2.2.2 (JoomShopping 5.0.0+ / bootstrap 5)
Quick view product images in the product list 2.2.1 (JoomShopping 5.0.0+ / bootstrap 5)
Quick view product images in the product list 1.2.1 (for Template gray)
Quick view product images in the product list 1.2.0 (JoomShopping 4.14.0+ / bootstrap 4)
Quick view product images in the product list 1.1.1
Quick view product images in the product list 1.1.0
Quick view product images in the product list 1.0.9
Quick view product images in the product list 1.0.8
Quick view product images in the product list 1.0.7
Quick view product images in the product list 1.0.6
Quick view product images in the product list 1.0.5
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Для заказа розработки используйте Контакт.
Не используйте контакт если у вас есть вопрос по аддону или магазину,
только на форуме вы получете ответ на вопрос.
Чтобы получить ключ для дополнительного локального домена или тестового домена - напишите на форум.